Friday, November 23, 2007

Natural Bridge State Park

Natural Bridge State Park, originally uploaded by jw_creations.

Natural Bridge and Rockshelter contains the largest natural bridge known in Wisconsin, created by wind erosion and weathering of the sandstone. The arch measures 25 feet in width and 15 feet in height on its inside dimensions. The top is 35 feet above ground level. At the base of the sandstone bridge is a rockshelter 60 feet wide and 30 feet deep. A partial excavation at the site revealed Woodfordian and Archaic inhabitant artifacts with earliest estimates of human occupation between 9000 and 8000 B.C. Animal remains identified include 15 mollusk species and 50 vertebrate species. Of special interest are the remains of passenger pigeon, turkey, elk, wolf, bobcat, fisher, marten, and mountain lion. The surrounding uplands are wooded with oak and other hardwoods. Small prairie remnants with Indian grass, little blue-stem, grama grasses, and cactus occur on the ridge tops. The shaded cliff community contains many unusual plant species including walking fern, slender lip fern, and two rare species - cliff goldenrod (Solidago sciaphila), and purple cliffbrake (Pellaea atropurpurea). Natural Bridge and Rockshelter is owned by the DNR and was designated a State Natural Area in 1973.

1 comment:

Sistereinstein said...

On my side of the state we have Fonferek Glen (Brown Cty) and Horicon Ledge (Dodge Cty)